Votre esprit est l`arme suprême. Vous êtes un soldat d`élite dont la télékinésie, la pyrokinésie, le drainage de l`esprit, le contrôle de l`esprit, l`observation à distance et l`observation de l`aura.
Voir la description anglaise
Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy challenges players to use their most powerful weapon - their mind - as they try to master the first action/stealth game to integrate traditional weapons combat with extensive Psi (psychic) mind powers. Combating a terrorist movement set to overthrow world order, you will take on the persona of an elite American Psi-Operative who fights using telekinesis, pyrokinesis (controlling fire), remote viewing (going "out-of-body" to plan attacks), mind drain (draining Psi energy from enemies), aura view ("seeing" elements that aren't visible in the real world) and mind control to fight against an army of programmed terrorist super soldiers that will stop at nothing to reach their goal.