Il y a bien des années, une race est née et a dominé les cieux. Puis l`érosion du temps et des mémoires a fait son oeuvre, et l`époque ancienne est passée du statut d`histoire à celui de légende. Désormais, seuls quelques vestiges de civilisation ont échappé à la destruction qu`ont entraînée des années de combats dévastateurs.
Voir la description anglaise
Years ago, a legacy was born that ruled the skies. As time passed and memory grew dim, distant times progressed from History into Legend. Now, the era of human prosperity has come to a grinding halt, with all but a few pockets of civilization destroyed by years of devastating battles. The population clings precariously to the brink of extinction, scattered across the desolate land, living in the darkest age in history. A new Empire rules with an iron grip, and a band of rebels begins a revolt in an attempt to become masters of their destiny once again. As the world is engulfed in the flames of war, an unlikely and unwilling Hero must become mankind's only hope. Soon, the Dragon will rise again...