Dans sa quête pour la lumière, Avin va-t'il survivre à la noirceur? Nous sommes dans l'ère post-Gagharu et une guerre amère consum le royaume de EI Phildin. Les citoyens ont pris les armes pour défendre leurs vies, mais un des leurs va être engouffré par l'ombre. Au fil du temps, la lumière, les blessures guérissent et les gens reprennent le cours de leur vie- sauf un . Parti à la recherche de sa soeur. Avin ne sait pas ce qu'il l'attend..
Voir la description anglaise
The second of Nihon Falcom's trilogy of RPGs, resurrected for the PlayStation Portable after release years before on PC systems. Known by the long name Eiyuu Densetsu Gagharv Trilogy: Akai Shizuku in Japan, the sequel features a new main character and storyline as you take control of Avin in his search for his younger sister Emille. Bandai has improved upon the original with a new battle system and quicker load times. Fans will take note of the changes to the world of Gagharv which appear because of the time gab between the stories of this and the original. Those who have clear data from the original are able to play play an extra scenario in which characters from the original appear as party members.
This RPG came to America as The Legend of Heroes, but the game is actually the second in a series of RPGs.