Les Stormers ont déménagé le festival MotorStorm dans la toundra glaciale du nord de l'Alaska. 24 véhicules répartis dans 8 classes, de la moto-cross à la semi-remorque, sans oublier la motoneige et l'autoneig, deux exclusivités alaskiennes.
Voir la description anglaise
MotorStorm's breakneck racing festival moves to the unpredictable terrains and harsh temperatures of Alaska. In true MotorStorm style, players will throw traditional offroad driving and caution to the wind where the ultimate goal in the festival is to not only win, but to survive. Lunatics must race against vicious opponents in arctic conditions and deal with the dangerous Alaskan terrain featuring sudden avalanches, broken ice bridges and three different, and completely unforgiving, racing altitudes. The game features MotorStorm's breathtaking racing action alongside online multiplayer where you can race against other players using Infrastructure Mode on PSP system to make it to the summit of the online global leaderboards.