Il y a bien longtemps, des fouilles archéologiques révélèrent l'existence de plusieurs portes. Ces anciens passages s'avérèrent être des portails vers d'autres dimensions. Rynoka, un petit village marchand, fut fondé près du site de fouilles afin de subvenir aux besoins des aventuriers téméraires en quête de trésors inestimables.
Moonlighter est un jeu de rôle d'action comportant des éléments de rogue-lite. Découvrez le quotidien de Will, un marchand aventurier qui rêve de devenir un héros.
Voir la description anglaise
During an archeological excavation – a set of Gates were discovered. People quickly realized that these ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions. Rynoka, a small commercial village, was found near the excavation site – providing brave and reckless adventurers with treasures beyond measure.
Moonlighter is an Action RPG with rogue-lite elements that demonstrates two sides of the coin – revealing everyday routines of Will, an adventurous shopkeeper that secretly dreams of becoming a hero.During an archeological excavation – a set of Gates were discovered. People quickly realized that these ancient passages lead to different realms and dimensions. Rynoka, a small commercial village, was found near the excavation site – providing brave and reckless adventurers with treasures beyond measure.