75 véhicules, 14,000 km2 de terrain de jeu, 190 défi et 70 courses carrière.
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From the publishers of Colin McRae: DiRT® and Race Driver: GRID® comes a revolution in multi-terrain racing featuring the biggest racing environment ever created. Born of Asobo Studios’ cutting-edge proprietary engine, A.C.E. (Asobo Conception Engine), that has benefited from over four years of development, FUEL will present players with an astonishing no-boundaries, seamlessly streaming playfield that’s over 5,000 square miles (14,000+ km²) in size. With environmental detail inspired by America’s most incredible landscapes, FUEL will deliver the ultimate competitive go-anywhere racing experience. FUEL will see players competing across wildly different terrain from deep snow to lush forests and arid deserts, executing spectacular stunts as they race and explore this epic world of an unprecedented scale.