Renversez tout sur votre route et traversez votre pare-brise en repoussant les limites du pilotage Flatout! Des pouvoirs d'adrénaline comme vous n'en avez jamais vécues!
Voir la description anglaise
FlatOut is one of the most spectacular Racing games you'll ever see! Experience the drive of your life as you throw yourself around 45 challenging tracks in one of 16 fully upgradeable cars.
The track environment is subject to the all-encompassing physics system that is unique to FlatOut, and is set to define a new standard in racing games. Fences will shatter, tyre walls will explode, water tanks and barrels will fly across the track into other cars. Every time you lose control, you will truly feel the weight of the car as it collides with and destroys a barn, or smashes into the pack of cars ahead of you, and with 40 deformable pieces on every car sparks are guaranteed to fly!