Du créateur de Tomb Raider, Project Eden est un jeux ou vous devez combattre des monstres qui sément le chaos dans cette ville futuriste. Avec une équipe de 4 spécialistes vous devrez tout faire pour sauvez la ville de tout ses problèmes.
Voir la description anglaise
Due to severe overpopulation, the planet Earth’s diameter is increasing with the growth of towering mega-cities, each inhabited by millions of humans. Descending thousands of feet through the echelons, conditions steadily decline to slum level. And below the slums lie even more repugnant conditions...an underworld occupied by criminals, cultists, the wretched and deranged.
It is within one such city that Project Eden is set. The player(s) controls a team of 4 members of the UPA (Urban Protection Agency) - an elite force which deals with serious disturbances within the city. The team is initially called in to investigate problems at the 'Real Meat' factory, in which all the equipment has started to simultaneously malfunction. Technicians sent to repair the machinery have gone missing without explanation...Here begins The UPA’s sinister trail of inquiry...