Aidez Maxwell à atteindre les starites en résolvant chaque défi. Écrivez le nom d'un objet qui vous vient en tête et voyez-le prendre vie à l'écran. Essayez un autre mot et observez une toute nouvelle solution apparaître sous vos yeux. À l'aide de votre stylet et de votre imagination, tout devient possible!
Voir la description anglaise
Scribblenauts is a completely original gameplay experience that anyone and everyone can pick up and play. Developed by the innovative and creative minds that brought the world Drawn to Life, Scribblenauts takes handheld gaming to the next level. Using the Nintendo DS touch screen, help Maxwell reach the Starite by solving a series of puzzles ranging from easy to challenging. Catch the Starite by writing down any object you can think of and watch it come to life. Try another word and watch as a completely different scenario unfolds. With your stylus and imagination, the possibilities are endless… what will you write?