Des centaines de quêtes, de nouveaux défis et le retour de vos monstres préférés pour des chasses amusantes pour les chasseurs solo ou en mode coopératif multijoueur avec jusqu'à 3 autres chasseurs en ligne. Styles, « Hunter Arts », et 14 types d'armes vous permettent de personnaliser votre expérience de jeu comme jamais auparavant.
Explorez 4 différents villages, chacun avec ses propres environnements et 21 lieux de chasse différents, y compris les lieux populaires améliorés et certaines zones inédites de l'Ouest
Voir la description anglaise
Coming Summer 2016 for Nintendo 3DS, Monster Hunter Generations is the newest installment in the popular Monster Hunter action RPG series, which has sold more than 36 million units worldwide. Monster Hunter Generations is the most customisable Monster Hunter experience to date, with a blend of brand new areas and monsters, and returning fan-favourites that have been updated and adapted to the newest generation of gameplay.
Monster Hunter Generations introduces new gameplay mechanics including Styles and Hunter Arts that can further refine a very personalised playstyle. Mount monsters from mid-air using the Aerial style or make the most out of the advantageous Hunter Arts abilities with the Striker style. For a change of gameplay or for brand new hunters Monster Hunter Generations features the brand new addition of Prowler mode where the previously customisable AI partners, palicoes, are now playable with their own quests to compete in, making this the most accessible title in the series yet for newcomers.
Co-op online multiplayer – Join up and hunt online with up to three other hunters, or meet-up and play together via local play.
Most customizable yet – Choose from four Styles and visually striking Hunter Arts for a truly customized gameplay experience.
Fresh challenges and returning favorites – Face a roster of brand new monsters, including Glavenus from the Fated Four, alongside returning enemies like the Deadqueen Rathian and Grimclaw Tigrex who return with new traits and abilities challenging even the most seasoned hunter
New Prowler mode– Previously only available as custom support AI the partners called “Palicoes,” are now playable with their own quest lines and rewards
MH4U save data bonus – Those with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate save data will receive a bonus item pack that includes an exclusive Palico armor set, potions, in-game money, and more.
Nintendo 3DS features – Utilize the touch screen to access in-game information and maps or the handy target lock option during a hunt. The new Nintendo 3DS offers players enhanced graphics, C-stick functionality and mappable controls for Hunter Arts.