Produisez le parfait monstre pour protéger votre île de la force diabolique qui l`a envahie! Modifiez et perfectionnez votre monstre avec un stylo numérique et reliez-le à votre GBA pour des heures et des heures de plaisir.
Voir la description anglaise
Amazing Island is a competition-driven, magical monster simulation game that takes place on a fantastic island in another world. The "Black Evil" has taken over this lush and colorful land and has captured the once happy natives -- the Maboo tribe. Players have the ability to defeat the "Black Evil," take back the land and return it to the Maboo tribe. To do so, gamers use their imagination to create their own monster - from nearly an infinite number of possibilities - and enter it in a series of competitions involving timing, speed and head-to-head battles. The victor wins magical orbs that hold the power of the island.