Un jeu dont la qualité graphique est supérieure à son prédeceseur, les pros de la pêche n'auront aucun mal à reconnaitre les poissons. Pas de ralentissement, une prise en main excellente, un très bon jeu en perspective !
Voir la description anglaise
Based on Sega Bass Fishing, this sequel delivers the same arcade-style gameplay but adds a number of new features, including a robust selection of 100 lures, the ability to cast anywhere, enhanced real-time monitors, and more. What's striking about Sega Bass Fishing 2 is the leap it makes in terms of realism. The fish move with an elegant fluidity, while the water appears amazingly real. That's because this game's lakes are modeled after real-life ecology. You'll also notice that SBF2 is stocked with markedly smarter fish. To prepare you, Sega adds the AI Angler, a computerized master angler who dispenses bonus lures and fishing tips.