Because Halo is the best-selling Xbox franchise of all-time, the developers at Bungie had their work cut out for them when they were deciding what to do next with the series that has set the gaming standard for the last 10 years. Fortunately for us, they decided that the next step should be a prequel, and we’ll get to experience the beginning of the Halo legend, when the heroic Spartan soldiers make their final stand on the planet Reach, humanity’s last line of defense between the Covenant and Earth. We’ve all seen the carnage that one Spartan can produce. Imagine what a whole squadron of them can do. We all know how this one ends up, too. So the story has a fittingly darker, grittier edge to it as the brave Spartans go to meet their destiny. But we’ll make sure we go out in a blaze of glory in epic battles against the Covenant on a backdrop of jaw-dropping environments, powered by an all-new engine. And of course, the battles will continue long after the campaign is over on Xbox Live with a satisfying multiplayer experience. We’d expect nothing less from this one. You can access the multiplayer beta on Xbox LIVE through the “Halo 3: ODST” disc 2.