His grandfather's legacy lands HAM III, a quick-witted circus chimp with the genetics of a space hero, smack in the middle of an election-inspired senator's plan to discover alien life. As the newest recruit to a team of highly trained space chimps, HAM III becomes a reluctant passenger on a harrowing mission through a dangerous inter-universal wormhole. This galactic adventure rockets the irreverent HAM and his fellow space chimps, TITAN and LUNA, deep into the cosmos to a wondrous planet ruled by a bizarre, tyrannical king. With the threat of death-by-dunking at the hands of the evil king constantly dangling over their heads, the astro-chimps find themselves responsible for the success of the Horizon's perilous mission, their own survival, and the emancipation of the planet. Sometimes it takes a trip to outer space to learn an important inner lesson: when the banana splits, it's what's inside that counts.