Ninety-Nine Nights II (N3II) is a high-energy action adventure game featuring epic battles against massive armies in a unique fantasy realm. This highly-anticipated sequel is the latest follow-up to the internationally-acclaimed Xbox 360 title, Ninety-Nine Nights (N3). In a mystical world of miracles and magic, humans co-exist alongside many other races including the elves, goblins, and ogres. But when the “Lord of the Night” suddenly appears, in a mere 3 months the fertile fields of the land are reduced to scorched earth. Before long, Orphea, the sacred land to the north, is besieged by the Army of the Night. Amidst the roar of battle, one man thunderously bursts through the ranks of a legion like a bolt of lightning – he is “Galen,” the ultimate warrior. Alone, he storms forward as he lays waste to the dark forces, letting nothing stop him in his path to Orphea Castle. Galen must battle through the hordes of enemies that await him and this onslaught escalates with imposing monstrous creatures that join the fray. Centering on “the inheritance of life,” a new battle between light and dark begins!