For anyone that loves the crash and tumble, high speed kick you get from games like Driver and Crazy Taxi there’s another absolutely super title just out on Dreamcast with very similar gameplay.

SUPER RUNABOUT is once again set in San Francisco (which lends itself perfectly to this style of driving) and the city has been accurately modelled with all of its undulations, trams and landmarks intact. What’s more, there are two distinct but similar storylines to explore, the first being a hick family of couriers on the poverty line and in trouble with the mob while the second surrounds two cops on a mission to rid the town of a certain illegal courier business…!

Whichever story you decide to follow the actual gameplay is very similar in either and basically entails collecting a certain number of items and returning them to a predetermined location within a designated, and very short, time limit. This gives free rein to players and forces them to make good use of the city’s shortcuts, ramps, jumps and destruction of ‘street furniture’ while breaking just about every road safety rule while they’re at it.

Whereas wanton destruction will gain points for the players it will also cause irreparable damage to their vehicle so, even though trashing just about everything in sight is fun you’ve got to watch that damage meter. Besides, the main aim is to complete the missions on schedule and that’s not easy at the best of times.

Success, however, will reward players with another vehicle to select although many are totally unsuitable for the job in hand. Nevertheless, this added difficulty aspect could make the game more challenging for the experts; should they wish to accept it.

Visually, SUPER RUNABOUT is impressive and as well as great scenery the vehicle damage is spot on. Windscreens shatter, bumpers bend and bits get ripped off in a very realistic way. It’s also great to see terrified pedestrians dashing out of the way just at the last minute, although it would be more fun to clip a few as you pass…!




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