Developed by Marvelous Inc, Fate/EXTELLA: The Umbral Star takes place after the latest iteration of the franchise's recurring battle royale, the Holy Grail War, where ‘Servants' - ancient warriors of...
As the Crown Prince Noctis and his three best friends set out on a journey to wed his fiancée Luna, a terrible tragedy befalls his country. Under the guise of peace, the neighboring Niflheim Empire...
Once Pokèmon Bank has been updated, you'll be able to use it to transfer Pokèmon you've caught in the Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console versions of Pokèmon Red, Pokèmon Blue, and Pokèmon Yellow into your...
15 years after the Lord Regent has been vanquished and the dreaded Rat Plague has passed into history. An otherworldly usurper has seized Empress Emily Kaldwin's throne, leaving the fate of the Isles...
Times have changed in the land known as the Oasis of the Harvest Goddess. Many people used to live in Skytree Village, and the land was lush and green. However, the power of the Harvest Goddess...
Link start” into SWORD ART ONLINE –Hollow Realization–, an exciting new action RPG developed under the watchful eye of SWORD ART ONLINE creator Reki Kawahara. Kirito receives a single mysterious...