In Okami HD players take on the role of Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess who inhabits the form of a legendary white wolf Shiranui on a quest to defeat Orochi, an eight-headed demon and tyrannical...
n Okami HD players take on the role of Amaterasu, the Japanese sun goddess who inhabits the form of a legendary white wolf Shiranui on a quest to defeat Orochi, an eight-headed demon and tyrannical...
Explore a lush world inhabited by mysterious mechanized creatures in Horizon New Dawn: Complete Edition for PlayStation 4. This PS4-exclusive action-RPG features an emotional journey full of...
Blood is not always thicker than water.
Scotland, 1926. Following the suicide of his father, David Gordon visits his ancestral home for the first time in his life. A life that is soon threatened by...
Set in 12th century England, a time of great poverty and war, “The Pillars of the Earth” takes place in the fictional town of Kingsbridge as it begins the construction of a Cathedral to assure wealth...
The action bridges the gap between Resident Evil 4 and Resident Evil 5, unveiling new adventures for Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield. Jill and her new partner, Parker Luciani, have been sent on...
Set in 12th century England, a time of great poverty and war, “The Pillars of the Earth” takes place in the fictional town of Kingsbridge as it begins the construction of a Cathedral to assure wealth...
A land of discovery stretches out before you. Explore the beautiful yet rugged world of RiME, a single-player puzzle adventure. In RiME, you play as a young boy who has awakened on a mysterious...
Two new Pokémon forms were shown resembling that of the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon have been powered up with new additions to the story and...
Two new Pokémon forms were shown resembling that of the Legendary Pokémon Solgaleo and Lunala. Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon have been powered up with new additions to the story and...
Enjoy the power to create and control people in a virtual world where there are no rules in The Sims 4 for PlayStation 4. Express your creativity as you customize your Sims' distinct appearances and...
Enjoy the power to create and control people in a virtual world where there are no rules in The Sims 4 for Xbox One. Express your creativity as you customize your Sims' distinct appearances and...
Magnastar has spellbound the people of Asteria into obeying him. As the Revolutionist Party attempts to overthrow him, it is up to you, the Demon Gazer, to wield the power of demons, liberate...
With the Platinum Expansion, discover a new South American playground, and its authentic landscapes, unique vegetation, railway network, local cows and sugar cane fields offering a total change of...
Ittle Dew 2+ is a charming and humorous 3D Action Adventure game with a focus on exploration and combat. Tackle the game's dungeons in any order and discover the many secrets of its expansive...
Amid the post-war boom of Hollywood's Golden Age, Cole Phelps, an LAPD detective is thrown headfirst into a city drowning in its own success. Corruption is rampant, the drug trade is exploding, and...
Amid the post-war boom of Hollywood's Golden Age, Cole Phelps, an LAPD detective is thrown headfirst into a city drowning in its own success. Corruption is rampant, the drug trade is exploding, and...