Set in a world on the brink of chaos, heroes from across the Warring States period of Japan and the Three Kingdoms era of China successfully defeat the evil Orochi and end his reign. After overcoming...
The key to solving this mysterious and returning the world back to normal are eight "bracelets" that posses great power. In search of these bracelets, the heroes clash against one another with their...
Big Buck Hunter will bring the arcade experience to your living room with this fast paced, addictive arcade shooter! Travel around the globe and take down wild game in exotic locations Play alone or...
Luigi is back in the first portable version of this spooky classic. After winning a mansion in a contest he didn't enter, Luigi must beat its many bosses and puzzles. Follow a map on the touchscreen,...
That's all Neku knows after regaining consciousness in the middle of a busy intersection without his memories. Now he and his partner must fight to survive a life-or-death game in this twisted tale...
The Overlord is dead. The Netherworld is in turmoil. Time to kick some ass! Netherworld Prince Laharl awakens to fight for his throne and it's up to him and some unlikely allies to defend what is...
WWE 2K19 returns as the flagship WWE video game franchise, featuring cover Superstar AJ Styles! WWE 2K19 will showcase a massive roster of WWE and NXT's most popular Superstars and Legends!...
The Mario Party series is coming to the Nintendo Switch system with super-charged fun for everyone! The original board game style has been kicked up a notch with deeper strategic elements, like...
Gardez votre monnaie et emportez la salle de jeux d'arcade chez vous avec le « pac » de jeux 2-en-1 ultime, « Namco Museum Arcade Pac ». Retrouvez les classiques du passé dans « Namco Museum » avec...
Based on the world famous annual rally raid organized by Amaury Sport Organisation (A.S.O.) in South America, DAKAR 18 is a realistic simulation of the biggest cross-country rally in the world and...
Valkyria Chronicles 4 takes place in the same timeframe as the original Valkyria Chronicles, but focuses on Squad E of the Federation. Commander Claude Wallace and his childhood friends set out to...
Valkyria Chronicles 4 takes place in the same timeframe as the original Valkyria Chronicles, but focuses on Squad E of the Federation. Commander Claude Wallace and his childhood friends set out to...
Valkyria Chronicles 4 takes place in the same timeframe as the original Valkyria Chronicles, but focuses on Squad E of the Federation. Commander Claude Wallace and his childhood friends set out to...
8-Bit Armies is a retro Real-Time Strategy game. With a colorful, blocky voxel art style, 8-Bit Armies is Petroglyph's most fast-paced, friendly, and accessible RTS game to date. Collect resources,...