LEGO Batman story unfolds with Batman's greatest foes escaping from Arkham Asylum and creating mayhem throughout Gotham City. Tracking criminals, including The Joker and The Penguin, players will...
From the core founding members of the MX vs. ATV franchise comes the ultimate off-road racing experience: BAJA. Conquer the toughest terrain Mother Nature has to offer and build the ultimate off-road...
Pure is an action sports off-road trick racing game that takes the genre to a new level. Developed by Black Rock Studio, Disney Interactive Studios’ award-winning development studio in Brighton,...
Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli is a visual powerhouse with a racing style that is fast and accessible, yet the feel is more "sim" than arcade. It includes over 15 international racing circuits...
The Star Wars saga continues in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. You are Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice! The Dark Lord of the Sith himself has trained you to use a lightsaber and unleash the power of...
With their hands on authentic gear, players will feel like they have an actual rod in their hands as they cast, jig the bait, and reel in fish. Players can battle for their favorite trophy as they...
TNA iMPACT! is the exclusive Total Nonstop Action wrestling game based on the top-rated weekly television show, TNA iMPACT!. Choose the wrestling style, custom move set and clothing to construct the...
Welcome to the future of sports video gaming with NHL 09. With all-new Be A Pro mode, step onto the ice and play an entire career as yourself through a dynamic camera angle in two compelling game...
Oh no. This isn’t your mama’s fighting game. This is FaceBreaker, an all-out, hit ‘em where it counts arcade boxing phenomenon from EA SPORTS Freestyle. Put your onions on the line by calling out the...
Mercenaries 2: World in Flames is an explosive open-world action game set in a massive, highly reactive, war-torn world. A power-hungry tyrant messes with Venezuela's oil supply, sparking an invasion...
With high-definition graphics, including beautiful high-res 2D sprite art and stunning spell effects, one of the most highly-acclaimed and beloved strategy RPG series is making the jump to the next...
The pros have their own coaches, now you do too in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or hitting the links for the first time, Hank Haney, Tiger Woods’ real-life coach, takes...
Celebrating 20 Years of Innovation, Madden NFL 09 delivers its most fun and exciting football package ever for the PSP and NDS, combining Wi-Fi multiplayer games and Rec Room minigames with all-new...
Four friends get together for a party while the parents are away, but somebody ... or something, is about to crash the party. In four-player melee action, you will fight off the monster invasion in...
The world’s premier weapon based fighting game franchise returns to deliver a true next generation fighting experience. Set to finally reveal the origins of the Soulcalibur saga, Soulcalibur IV...
Feel the electricity of Big Play Saturday with NCAA Football 09! Powered behind groundbreaking gameplay controls and unique college-style animations, NCAA Football 09 arrives on campus with all the...
Beijing 2008 will be an authentic simulation of over 35 events from the upcoming Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and will allow gamers to experience the thrill of competing in many of the official venues...
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution will be the first offering in the legendary Civilization series to appear on next generation consoles and handheld systems. In development by legendary designer...
Throw out the rules of engagement, this is all-out war! Built from the ground-up for next-generation consoles using Digital Illusions' bleeding-edge Frostbite game engine, Battlefield: Bad Company...
Hail to the Chimp is a fast-paced party game that delivers exciting gameplay, lush interactive environments, and a comic look at politics. It is a bare-knuckled fight to win the crown of President of...
Hellboy: The Science of Evil will give players the opportunity to experience the epic adventures of the acclaimed comic book hero, fusing action, atmosphere and humor. In his latest quest, Hellboy...
Overlord is a groundbreaking, completely original action adventure, set in a seriously warped fantasy world. Controlling a mysterious figure that has inherited the legacy of the evil, long-dead...
Top Spin 3 immerses players in a visually and physically realistic tennis experience. Using next generation technology, gameplay and graphics, Top Spin 3 is a benchmark-setting tennis experience with...
WALL-E Videogame: Players will take control of WALL-E and EVE through a fast-paced adventure based on the upcoming DisneyPixar film. The game will allow fans to relive some of the movie's most...
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the final chapter in the saga of Solid Snake which sends him around the world in pursuit of his arch nemesis, Liquid Ocelot. Armed with new gadgets and...
Dragonball Z: Burst Limit is the first game of the Dragonball Z series to hit the next generation consoles, the PLAYSTATION3 computer entertainment system and the Xbox 360. The game features detailed...