Featuring a greater focus on player agency/choice and expansive environments filled with opportunities for distinct play-styles, and set in the exotic yet deadly terrain of North Africa during World...
A prequel to the original Drakengard, Drakengard 3 transports players to a medieval world where six sisters wield special magical abilities as the "Intoners." These sisters have brought peace to the...
Bound by Flame drags you into a heroic and desperate struggle, in which the Alliance eventually yielded in front of the inexorable advance of Deadarmy. From their castles of ice, the lord-sorcerers...
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 takes place alongside the events of the second film in a unique story as Spider-Man searches for Uncle Ben's killer. You'll encounter both new foes and old friends as you...
Experience all the Fun, Excitement, and Drama of Football's Greatest Event. Multiple improvements and innovations to the award-winning gameplay of FIFA 14, plus 100 new animations, make EA SPORTS...
DECEPTION IV: BLOOD TIES follows the story of Laegrinna, an animated fragment of an imprisoned Devil's soul, as she battles her enemies by mischievously luring them into strategically placed traps....
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends is a stand-alone expansion of the highly successful Dynasty Warriors 8, which was released in July 2013. Xtreme Legends will include new episodes that add to the...
With the Cauldron shattered and the cycle broken, Ragna begins his final mission: Hunt down the villainous Terumi. Noel's life and the fate of the entire world hang in the balance as Ragna the...
From the makers of the acclaimed Disgaea series comes an action RPG in which being bad can be a good thing! Full of the same dark humor and mischief beloved by hardcore gamers, The Witch and the...
MGSV: GZ gives core fans the opportunity to get a taste of the world-class production's unparalleled visual presentation and gameplay before the release of the main game. It also provides an...
A CYBORG NINJA RISES FROM THE DEAD, SLAUGHTERING HORDES OF TWISTED ZOMBIES IN HIS QUEST FOR VENGEANCE in this collaborative new franchise from famed developers Team NINJA and Keiji Inafune.