Marvel’s first family of Super Heroes face its greatest challenge yet as the enigmatic, intergalactic herald, The Silver Surfer, comes to Earth to prepare it for destruction. As the Silver Surfer...
Surf’s Up is an exciting arcade surfing and extreme sports video game. The action is set at the annual "Reggie Belafonte Big Z Memorial Surf Off," where surfers from around the world are ready to...
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End is inspired by the events, environments and characters surrounding the second and third installments of the movie franchise. Players must demonstrate their...
Already widely considered the most authentic baseball simulation available, the franchise now introduces the all-new Road to The Show mode, enabling gamers to play both offense and defense from the...
F.E.A.R.™ (First Encounter Assault Recon) is a paranormal action thriller presented entirely in first-person. An unprecedented adrenaline rush of close quarters combat seamlessly melded with the...
The adventure takes place in a fantasy world filled with beautiful cinematic graphics and vibrant characters. It includes more than 50 hours of gameplay and is the only next-gen RPG with the...
Armored Core®, the mech action game that defined the mech genre is back to take on next-generation platforms! Armored Core® 4 reinvigorates the brand by offering an all-new storyline, new...
Oblivion is the quintessential role-playing game for the next generation and another leap forward in gaming. Step inside the most richly detailed and vibrant game-world ever created. Oblivion is the...
After a life of small-time crime you've been accepted into America's most powerful criminal organization - the Corleone Family. Now it's up to you to carry out orders, earn respect, rise through the...
Take on the world’s greatest tennis stars on any court surface worldwide; with newly added players and improvements to the game’s AI, Virtua Tennis 3 has upped the challenge to becoming the top seed...
In collaboration with urban lifestyle powerhouse Def Jam Interactive, EA Chicago—the team behind the critically acclaimed EA SPORTS Fight Night series—is integrating hip hop culture and gaming like...
Players will descend upon the MotorStorm Festival, a celebration of the alternative and extreme offroad racing culture. Throwing caution to the wind, players will take on a variety of racing fanatics...
Leadership makes a difference this year as team chemistry plays a vital role in a team's performance—especially come tournament time. The college atmosphere is fully realized with updated mascots,...
Virtua Fighter™5 will elevate the arcade fighting genre to all-new heights as the game promises to take true advantage of the capabilities of the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system. Virtua...
The game is set in Soleanna, the beautiful city of water. In his first adventure set in the human world, Sonic meets a beautiful princess named Elise, whom he quickly befriends, but Princess Elise is...
Full Auto 2: Battlelines puts high-speed vehicles outfitted with weapons and armor into fully realized and fully destructible urban street environments. Fierce combat-racing will ensue as you...
This is the closest a gamer will ever come to getting into the ring and trading blows with the greatest boxers of all time like Oscar De La Hoya, Muhammad Ali and many others. For the first time...
Genji: Days of the Blade unveils beautiful next generation graphics and vastly improved gameplay onto the PlayStation 3. As one of the few Japanese/sword action games available on the PlayStation 3...
Untold Legends Dark Kingdom will set the standard for next-gen action-RPG’s by delivering an immersive fantasy experience through its high-definition graphics, dramatic storyline, and action-packed...
What starts in the city is settled in the canyons as Need for Speed Carbon immerses you in the world’s most dangerous and adrenaline-filled form of street racing. You and your crew must race in an...
In Call of Duty 3, get closer than ever to the fury of combat as an Allied soldier in World War II’s most harrowing military operation, the Normandy Breakout Campaign. Melee combat and destructible...
Nine months have passed since Zeon forces invaded the Earth. At the brink of annihilation, the Earth Federation Forces are mobilizing to launch a massive counter assault against the occupying forces....
Continuing its illustrious history, Ridge Racer 7 returns as a title on the PlayStation 3 platform. Drift around corners at speeds over 160 mph taking the lead as Ridge Racer 7 brings gamers a...
The legacy lives on! NHL® 2K7 reigns supreme as the category leader in innovation, design and critical acclaim with 4 straight years as the #1 rated* NHL video game. 2K7 marks a 2nd year of...
Only you can save mankind. Through brute force, a species of unknown origin known only as the Chimera have conquered Asia and most of Europe in mere decades during the early 20th century. Recognizing...
The groundbreaking franchise that revolutionized sports gaming is about to redefine the way you experience the NFL … again. Madden NFL 07 for the PlayStation®3 unveils all-new motion-based control...
Voted best current and next-generation NBA hoops franchise by both press and gamers, NBA 2K7 will continue its legacy of dominance this year on the hard court. The highly acclaimed Shot Stick™ -...
Feel the pressure of competing against the top golfers in the world’s best tournaments in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 07. All-new universal facial capture or UCAP technology brings realism and emotion to...