Developed by Quantic Dream, creators of the critically-acclaimed Indigo Prophecy for PlayStation®2 (PS2™), Heavy Rain is a Hollywood-style cinematic adventure that takes players on a journey through a dark and sophisticated film noir thriller. Exclusive to the PlayStation®3 (PS3™), Heavy Rain challenges the videogame convention by introducing original and innovative content that engages players emotionally, explores the potential of interactive storytelling, and creates a new gaming format for an adult audience. Heavy Rain is an ambitious project that tells a complex story through contextual actions and realistic visuals. Embracing the idea of “interactive storytelling,” the game is built around an emotive and compelling proposition: ‘How far would you go to save someone you love?’ The game’s story changes based on each an individual’s actions, and each player will be faced with a variety of choices and consequences that will take them on an emotional rollercoaster. As players will discover throughout the game, the smallest actions can have dramatic consequences, as every act and decision will have a tangible impact on the fate of the characters.