TOMY presents: NARUTO Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, an exciting new installment to the critically acclaimed, Wii-exclusive fighting game series. Wii's most explosive fighting game is back, better than ever, building off of its previous successes and implementing the much anticipated Wi-Fi gameplay! Now you can face off against competitors from all across North America over the internet. Featuring an all-new storyline and updated cast of characters from the NARUTO Shippuden series, NARUTO Shippuden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3 is sure to re-ignite your passion for an ultra competitive, ninja fighting experience - only on Nintendo Wii. After two and a half years, a lot has changed in the Hidden Leaf Village! After years of training, a more mature Naruto has returned home, only to find out that his friend Gaara has been kidnapped by the sinister Akatsuki organization!